As a DBE/MBE Subconsultant to a major transportation Tri-Venture Team, BvF performed comprehensive design services, including structural analysis, design, and rehabilitation of various bridge and highway structures, ITS/electrical systems, and traffic engineering. The work encompassed major highway widening, interchange reconstruction, maintenance of traffic plans, traffic and revenue studies, utility design, pavement design, and construction management. BvF’s expertise ensured the development of thorough construction contract plans and documents, addressing everything from preliminary analysis to final design and condition inspection.
BvF successfully completed several task orders under this comprehensive contract. For the Curtis Creek Bridges Rehabilitation, BvF analyzed Maintenance of Traffic options, developed schematic MOT plans, prepared Traffic Impact Study reports, and provided construction support services. For the MD 7C Bridge over Northeast Creek project, BvF conducted preliminary analyses, developed utility plans, collected traffic data, and prepared bid-ready bridge design plans. The work included ensuring compliance with MDOT SHA specifications, developing pre-bid construction schedules, and finalizing bridge geometry and design calculations. BvF also managed the project through various design review stages, culminating in the delivery of the Final Construction Bid Plans and updated cost estimates to MDTA.