BvF, as a DBE subconsultant, collaborates with the Lead-Free Group to support DC Water’s “Lead Free DC” (LFDC) initiative, aiming to replace all lead, galvanized, and brass water service lines in Washington, D.C., by 2030. The Lead-Free Group manages multiple replacement programs, including the Lead Pipe Replacement Assistance Program (LPRAP), Voluntary Program, CIP Block by Block (CIPERR), and the Small Diameter Water Main Replacement program (SDWMR).
BvF’s Role:
- Block-By-Block Program & Lead Pipe Replacement Assistance Program: BvF develops Permitting Plans, tracks permit compliance, and creates Traffic Control Plans (TCPs) and Civil Design Plans to secure permits from DDOT and DOEE.
- Small Diameter Water Main Replacement Program (SDWMR): BvF performs Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) services using electromagnetic devices and is responsible for the preliminary and final design of new water main lines, hydrants, valves, and fittings. BvF also develops TCPs and Civil Design Plans for permit approvals.