Selected as an MBE Subconsultant to a major transportation Joint-Venture Team, BvF performed comprehensive preliminary and final design services consisting peer review (plans, reports, design, calculations, Engineer’s Estimates, Specifications, Special Provision Notes) of documents for Highway, Drainage, Traffic, and Structural disciplines at 30%, 65%, 90%, and PS&E milestones. Drawings that were reviewed included Construction Plans, Profiles, Cross Sections, Maintenance of Traffic Plans, Signing and Marking Plans, Typical Sections, Bridge Plans, Retaining Wall Plans, and General Notes. BvF was also responsible for preparing peer review comments and attending design milestone meetings. BvF performed independent design reviews of the following projects:

  • I-95 Northern Transition MD43 to Little Gunpowder
  • Bay Bridge All Electronic Tolling (AET) Conversion
  • Francis Scott Key Bridge All Electronic Tolling (AET) Conversion
  • Fort McHenry Tunnel All Electronic Tolling (AET) Conversion
  • Slope Stabilization/Repairs at I-895