Rehabilitation of Curtis Creek Bridges

Selected as an MBE Subconsultant to a major transportation Tri-Venture Team, BvF is responsible for preparing schematic Maintenance of Traffic alternatives during Phase l for the rehabilitation of Curtis Creek Bridges. For Phase I, BvF was responsible for analyzing the following three (3) Maintenance of Traffic options that were previously suggested by the MdTA: (1) Long-Term Bridge Closure; (2) Weekend Only Bridge Closure; (3) Daily Lane Closures. BvF developed the schematic MOT plans in sufficient detail to establish preliminary cost estimates for MOT work. BvF also submitted schematic MOT plans, including preliminary cost estimates for Maintenance of Traffic work to the MdTA, for review and selection of the preferred MOT scheme. In addition, BvF is also accountable for addressing comments received from the MdTA and/or the Tri-Venture Team.

Currently in the Final Design Phase, BvF is responsible for preparing the Signing and Striping plans as well as the Traffic Impact Study report. Additional responsibilities for the Final Design phase include the preparation of detailed maintenance of traffic drawings that includes traffic detour and traffic control plans and sequence of construction plan and schedule of quantities for the rehabilitation of Curtis Creek drawbridges.